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Do You Need A Filling But Hate The Look Of Metal? Know Your Other Options

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If your dentist says you have a cavity and you don’t want the treatment to be noticeable in your mouth, then you don’t want to get a metal filling. There are some alternative solutions to shiny metal, depending on how bad your cavity is. If the tooth is so damaged that it needs to be extracted or you need a bridge, an implant may be your only option. If, however, there is less damage, the dentist may only think a filling is needed. Read More»

Healthy Brushing Habits For Young Kids At Various Stages Of Development

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Parents want only the best for their children, and that includes desiring optimal dental health for them. However, good dental health rarely happens by accident. Instilling proper brushing habits in a child at an early age can help ensure that he or she maintains a healthy oral health regimen throughout his or her life. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that each stage of a child’s life requires a specific set of brushing techniques. Read More»

Tools You Need To Protect Your Dental Implants

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Dental implants can accumulate plaque just like your regular teeth. Therefore, it is essential that you work hard to prevent plaque from accumulating. Unlike dentures, which you can take out and soak, dental implants can only be cared for with proper oral hygiene. There is no single device that is able to remove plaque from all surfaces of a dental implant structure. Instead, you will need to use several tools to target the most vulnerable areas around the dental implant structure. Read More»

4 Dental Methods For Restoring Your Teeth

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If you suffer from tooth loss or decay, you will want to work diligently to restore your teeth. Doing so can ensure you have good dental health that may provide you with a lifetime of service. It’s ideal to know the varying methods for tooth restoration to help you stay informed if any of these are necessary for you. Method #1: Dental Fillings One of the least complex ways to restore your teeth and get rid of decay is with fillings. Read More»

Three Alternatives To Dental Implants With Cost Is An Issue For Your Budget

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If you have dental problems due to accidents or other causes, dental implants can be an option to restore your smile. The only problem is that it can be costly just to have one implant, much less to replace many of your teeth. If you want to restore your smile but cannot afford implants, there are other alternatives. Here are some implant alternatives that will be friendlier to your wallet:   Read More»

Child Loves Football? 3 Ways To Use This Love To Help Them Improve Their Oral Health

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If you are the parent of a child who dreads brushing and flossing their teeth, then you may need to get creative and make oral health more fun for your child. If your child loves football, then take advantage of the arrival of football season and work some aspects of the game into your child’s oral-health routine. Here are three ways you can use your child’s love of football to help them enjoy brushing and flossing instead of dreading it. Read More»

Don't Leave Out Your Tongue From Your Daily Dental Hygiene Routine

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You brush and floss regularly, but you leave a source of bacteria in your mouth if you don’t include your tongue. An effective dental hygiene practice can only happen when you brush your tongue, too. Here is why your tongue can work against you and how to make it part of your daily routine. Bacteria and Your Tongue One of the primary uses of the tongue is to move food around the mouth and down the esophagus. Read More»

Properly Caring For Baby Teeth

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You want to do all you can to ensure your baby is going to develop healthy teeth, but you may not know exactly how to go about it. Once their teeth come in, you know they need to be brushed, and once your child is old enough, you know to get them child approved mouth wash. However, you may not know that you should start caring for your baby’s teeth before they even come in. Read More»

3 All-Natural Remedies For Gingivitis

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Gingivitis often manifests itself with gums that are red, sore, and inflamed. Sometimes gums that are affected by gingivitis also have a tendency to bleed.  Not only can gingivitis be quite painful at times but it can also very unsightly to look at as well. This can cause people that suffer from gum disease to feel self self-conscious about their appearance. Fortunately, there are many different all-natural remedies that can be utilized in order to restore your gums back to being in excellent condition and to get them looking nice and healthy again. Read More»

How To Create A Dental-Friendly Halloween For Your Child

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Halloween is a fun time for children, but it can also be a destructive time for their teeth. While you may not want to prevent your child from enjoying in the festivities, you should do what you can to prevent them from eating all the sugary candy they will more than likely be exposed to. The tips in this article will help you to give your child a great Halloween while avoiding all those sugary candies that can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Read More»