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Getting A Traditional Dental Bridge: A Step-By-Step Walkthrough

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If you’re missing some teeth or have some that need to be extracted due to damage or decay, a traditional dental bridge is one of the treatments your dentist may recommend. Leaving a gap where you have missing teeth can seriously alter your jawbone and facial structure, so it’s imperative to have an implant, bridge or partial to fill in the empty space. The process for placing a traditional bridge typically takes three appointments. Read More»

3 Reasons To Feel Happy About Getting Dental Crowns

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“You need a crown” is not a phrase that makes most dental patients jump for joy. Unless your dentist offers state-of-the-art “one-day crowns” that utilize laser scanning technology to fabricate a crown on the spot, you’ll be looking at the usual process of shaping the tooth, having impressions made, and then having the crown fitted and adjusted. But you don’t have to view dental crowns as an annoyance; in fact, you have plenty of reasons to feel good about your upcoming procedure. Read More»

3 Amazing Post-Treatment Recovery Tips For Root Canals

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If you have a tooth that is badly decayed, it can be saved via a root canal. This involves removing your tooth’s nerve and pulp, as well as thorough cleaning. If you’re having a root canal performed for the first time, these post-treatment recovery tips will certainly come in handy.  Take Prescription Medication As Directed  Since a lot was done to the decaying tooth in order to save it, you’ll probably feel a bit of soreness. Read More»

Mistakes To Avoid When Dealing With A Knocked-Out Tooth

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There are a wide variety of dental emergencies that may pop up in your life. One of the more common ones involves a dental avulsion, or the knocking out of a tooth. This type of situation requires swift action and the assistance of a dentist if you want to save your tooth. However, individuals do tend to make quite a few mistakes when it comes to the actions that are completed before seeing an emergency dentist. Read More»

Want Whiter Teeth Without Breaking The Bank? Try These DIY Solutions

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Are you not satisfied with the color of your teeth, but not yet ready to pay for professional help? If so, there are some affordable things that you can do at home to help reduce your teeth by a couple of shades of yellow. Here are two things that you can do at home to improve the color of your teeth. Use Whitening Toothpaste One affordable method to whiten your teeth is to switch up your toothpaste. Read More»

How To Prevent Infection After Dental Procedures

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If you have certain health conditions or take certain medications, you may be at a heightened risk for developing an infection after surgery or a dental implant procedure. In addition to health conditions and medications, certain lifestyle habits can also raise your risk for developing a post-procedure infection. Here are some ways to reduce your risk or prevent infection after dental procedures so that you can better enjoy the aesthetic effects of your new dental implants. Read More»

4 Sedation Options At The Dentist's Office

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Being afraid of the dentist is very common. According to Colgate, up to 15% of people in the United States don’t go to the dentist due to dental phobias. However, routine dentist appointments are one way that you can keep your teeth healthy. If you’re too anxious to visit the dentist, these four dental sedation options might be able to help you: 1. Nitrous oxide Nitrous oxide is one of the lightest forms of sedation you can undergo. Read More»

How Your Medications Can Cause Bleeding Gums

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While bleeding gums are often the result of gingivitis or vigorous brushing and flossing, they can also be caused by other, less common things. In addition to platelet disorders, viral infections, and anemia, bleeding gums can also be caused by the medications you take. Here are some medications that may cause your gums to bleed and what you can do about this problem.  Aspirin Taking aspirin can lead to platelet aggregation, which may cause abnormal bleeding, including bleeding inside your mouth. Read More»

Brushing Mistakes To Avoid

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Brushing your teeth is a great habit to have, but it is important to brush your teeth the right ways, at the right times, and with the right toothbrush. If you make common brushing mistakes, you might not be protecting your teeth as well as you should, and you could even be causing damage to your teeth. Here are some common brushing mistakes you should avoid if you want to keep your healthy teeth. Read More»

Orthodontic Treatment Myths Corrected

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Many individuals may not have had the benefit of developing straight teeth. While this can have devastating effects on a person’s appearance and the quality of their smile, it is possible to straighten teeth so that they any alignment issues are corrected. Myth: Retainers Are Only Used For Keeping Teeth In Place Retainers are commonly used to help patients of orthodontic treatments retain their teeth alignment after their braces are removed. Read More»