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Here's Why A Dental Crown Must Be Made To Measure

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Clothing can be classified as either haute couture (something that’s one of a kind and made to measure), or prêt-à-porter (ready-to-wear, off-the-rack, available in stores). Dental crowns are haute couture in that they’re made to fit your tooth specifically. How would you even know if a crown doesn’t fit as well as it needs to? Physical Contact It’s both perfectly natural and entirely unavoidable for your teeth to make physical contact with each other. Read More»

Are You A Good Candidate For Veneers?

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Your smile is an important part of how you interact with the people you encounter on a daily basis. Therefore, if there are issues with your teeth that make you less confident about smiling, it can alter how you interact with the people in your life. Veneers are one option for correcting smile issues, but they are not the most suitable option for every patient. Dental veneers are thin, custom-made pieces that are bonded to the surface of your anterior teeth, and they can correct a number of cosmetic problems. Read More»

What Is Tongue-Tie And How Can It Be Treated?

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While the term “tongue-tied” is a figure of speech referring to someone too shy or embarrassed to speak, it is an actual medical diagnosis as well. Tongue-tie (without the d) is a condition that affects how a child moves their tongue and can often cause latching issues at birth and speech and eating difficulties later. Here’s what you need to know about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for tongue-tie. Read More»

FAQs About Adult And Pediatric Tooth Extractions

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What do you need to know about tooth extractions? Whether you need an extraction or your child does, take a look at the top questions patients have about this common dental procedure. What Are Teeth Extractions? This procedure is more commonly known as pulling or removing teeth. As the name implies, the dentist will extract (pull out/remove) a tooth or several teeth from the mouth. For most procedures, the dentist will use a special instrument known as an elevator to loosen the tooth from the surrounding gum tissue. Read More»

Caring For Dental Implants: 3 Things To Know

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A dental implant is a surgically implanted prosthetic tooth that is inserted into the gums via a metal post and capped off with a faux tooth that is made to look and work just like your natural tooth. Dental implants can be used to replace just one tooth, or they can be used to replace all of your teeth if you prefer. Dental implants are an alternative to other types of replacement teeth such as dentures or a dental bridge. Read More»

What You Should Be Ready For After Your Wisdom Teeth Get Taken Out

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Getting your wisdom teeth taken out is a very important and necessary procedure that millions of Americans have undertaken and thousands go through every day. The benefits of getting your wisdom teeth removed will hopefully outweigh any possible nerves that you may have about the procedure. However, a lot of people put no preparation into how they will recover after their wisdom teeth extraction procedure, which can leave them in a bit of a tricky spot. Read More»

What To Know When Using Clear Aligner Trays

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Are you tired of your teeth not looking straight, and do you want to use clear aligners to fix it? If so, you’ll want to know the following things before you move forward with the treatment.  You Will Need A Scan Of Your Mouth There is a bit of preparation required to have clear alignment trays made, and it starts with getting a scan of your mouth. This allows the dentist to come up with a treatment plan of how to move your teeth, and then create the series of alignment trays that will get the job done. Read More»

What You Can Expect After Dental Implant Surgery

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Dental implants are surgically implanted into the gum of the mouth to replace teeth you may be missing. The procedure in which these implants are surgically inserted takes time and planning and will also require some recovery time as well. The implants are inserted into the jawbone, below the surface of the gums, then the faux tooth with what appears to be a screw on the bottom of it is screwed into the implant in the jawbone. Read More»

Why Should I Have My Teeth Reshaped?

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If you aren’t happy with how your smile looks, but the problems with your smile are relatively minor, you can visit a cosmetic dental service to undergo a tooth contouring procedure. This procedure involves having minor imperfections in your teeth corrected using professional instruments and removable strips. Why Tooth Reshaping is Done A tooth reshaping procedure often involves reducing the size of a tooth so that it fits better in your mouth. Read More»

Everything You Need To Know About Periodontal Diseases

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Most people know very little about periodontal disease. For the most part, it is a silent disease that causes no pain and often goes undetected until significant damage has been done. This article explains everything you need to know about periodontal disease, including who’s at risk and available treatment options. What Is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the gums and bones supporting your teeth. It’s usually caused by plaque, a sticky coat of food debris, bacteria, and saliva. Read More»