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Why You May Feel Pain After Getting A Dental Crown

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Getting a dental crown is a good way of protecting a damaged tooth and preventing further damage. However, you may also feel some discomfort or even pain after getting your dental crown. Here are some of the reasons a crowned tooth may hurt:

Cracks in the Teeth

Dental crowns general protect teeth from cracks. Even a tooth that has cracked will still be held together by the crown. Sometimes, however, the cracks extend well below the root of the teeth and beyond the splinting effect of the crown. Such cracks may form, for example, due to the trauma that necessitated the crowning in the first place or when you experience fresh trauma. Don't forget that most of your teeth enamel will be drilled away during the crowning, and this is one of the things that can cause cracks.

Nerve Damage

The process of fixing the dental crown may result in damage to the nerve inside the tooth. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may feel the pain almost instantly or even months after the treatment. As hinted above, the dental crowning procedure is a fairly complex process if you consider how much it affects the teeth. For example, the drilling mentioned above may send vibrations down to the root of the tooth and affect the nerves. A tooth with a damaged nerve will be painful when you bite on it or expose it to different stimuli such as a hot beverage.

Increased Teeth Sensitivity

As previously mentioned, fixing a dental crown involves tooth preparation that strips away some of the enamel. It is the enamel that protects the inner part of the tooth from getting affected by different stimuli. Therefore, if too much enamel is removed, the inner and sensitive part of the tooth will be exposed to different stimuli such as cold and hot food and drinks. This increased tooth sensitivity leads to discomfort under different situations, for example, when breathing in cold air.

Bite Issues

Lastly, it is also possible for dental crowning to result in a bite issue. This makes sense given that crowning introduces a layer of material on your natural teeth, which may increase your tooth's height or breadth. After all, the dentist also doesn't want to strip away too much enamel during the preparation; doing that may cause sensitivity and even affect the integrity of the tooth. If the crowning makes the tooth taller than its neighbors, it means it will come into contact with the opposing tooth first, making it bear heavy biting forces and resulting into pain.

Some kind of discomfort is inevitable immediately after the crowning. Your dentist will tell you when the discomfort should subside; consult the dentist if that doesn't happen. For more information, contact a company like Demianko Dental Care.
