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About Preventative Dental Care

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Preventative dental care should be something you take seriously. If you haven't been proactive with your dental care, then you are putting the health of your teeth and gums at risk. You can learn more about what preventative dental care is as well as some reasons why it is so important in the information you can read here.

The preventative dental process

Routine examinations

You want to make sure you go to your dentist for check-ups according to the schedule they set for you. This is a part of the preventative care process. At your exam, they will make sure everything is good with your dental health. If something is found that needs treatment, then you will receive the treatment you need. You will also have your teeth professionally cleaned. During these cleanings, any plaque you have been missing in your home routine will be thoroughly removed from your teeth. A fluoride treatment will likely also be used in order to help make the enamel of your teeth even stronger. 

Personal dental care

The care you give your own teeth is also a part of the preventative care process. This is due to your dental care regimen also focusing on the ongoing well-being of your teeth and gums. Your regular routine should consist of brushing your teeth at least twice every day and flossing after each meal. 

The advantages of preventative dental care

Preventing cavities

One of the main focuses of ongoing dental care is to prevent cavities from developing. Cavities will attack your teeth and destroy their integrity. The cavities will continue to damage your teeth until they are stopped or until your teeth are completely destroyed. 

Preventing gum disease

Neglecting your teeth can also affect your gums. You can get gingivitis and if it is ignored, then you can get a more serious condition called periodontal disease. This can cause things like bad breath, gum inflammation, gum bleeding, possible gum pain, loose teeth, and even tooth loss. 

Tooth abscesses

Neglecting the routine care of your teeth can also leave you susceptible to tooth abscesses. This can be painful, and you will likely need to be put on a course of antibiotics to treat the infection. 


Your dentist will suggest when your next check-up should be. It may be sooner or later than the last one, depending on what the dentist found going on with your teeth and other determining factors, such as your age and any medications you take. Make sure you don't skip these appointments.
